Eluna API 中文文档 [-] [+]
The Eluna Lua Engine© API
Eluna Lua Engine©API允许您添加自己的Lua代码,以便在发生某些事件(称为“挂钩”)时执行。
关于 Eluna
Eluna是魔兽世界模拟器的Lua 引擎。 Eluna 支持 CMaNGOS/MaNGOS 和TrinityCore.
要获得, 只需从我们的Github帐户.克隆您最喜爱的MaNGOS或Trinity版本 。 每个分支都有Eluna已集成,所以你只需编译即可.
Aura 光环 |
The persistent effect of a Spell that remains on a Unit after the Spell has been cast. |
BattleGround 战场 |
包含战场的相关功能,例如战歌峡谷,阿拉希盆地等。 |
Corpse 尸体 |
玩家的遗骸。 |
Creature 生物 | 非玩家控制的单位(即NPC)。 |
ElunaQuery 查询 |
数据库查询的结果。 |
GameObject 游戏对象 |
Inherits all methods from: Object, WorldObject |
Global 全局 |
These functions can be used anywhere at any time, including at start-up. |
Group 团队 |
Inherits all methods from: none |
Guild 公会 |
Inherits all methods from: none |
Item 物品 |
Inherits all methods from: Object |
Map 地图 |
A game map, e.g. Azeroth, Eastern Kingdoms, the Molten Core, etc. |
Object 对象 |
A basic game object (either an Item or a WorldObject). |
Player 玩家 |
Inherits all methods from: Object, WorldObject, Unit |
Quest 任务 |
Inherits all methods from: none |
Spell 技能 |
An instance of a spell, created when the spell is cast by a Unit. |
Unit |
Inherits all methods from: Object, WorldObject |
Vehicle 坐骑 |
Inherits all methods from: none |
WorldObject 世界对象 |
使用方法参照Object |
WorldPacket |
用于在服务器和客户端之间传递消息的数据包。 |